頻道名稱: Class CNBC
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/20/1-200315224043519.jpg
API鏈接: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/api/channel.php?aid=3463
Class CNBC (formerly CFN/CNBC) is an Italian pay television channel, working as a localised version of CNBC Europe, albeit with a major focus on the Italian financial markets. The channel is headquartered in Milan, site of the Borsa Italiana, and is a joint venture between the publishing house Class Editori, which holds a majority stake, along with NBC Universal (owner of CNBC Europe) and Italy's largest commercial television company Mediaset, who hold 20% of the channel each.The channel broadcasts for sixteen hours per day, covering trading in Europe, Asia and the United States and it has correspondents in other countries, such as at CNBC Europe in London.Class CNBC uses the current on-air graphical look of CNBC Europe, but it has used the same ticker since the launch of the channel. The director is Andrea Cabrini.
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