頻道名稱: AXS TV
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/allimg/19/1-1Z3162046380-L.jpg
API鏈接: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/api/channel.php?aid=5925
AXS TV (pronounced "access") is an American cable and satellite television network. It is managed by the film company 2929 Entertainment (through AXS TV, LLC)—which they founded as HDNet (through HDNet, LLC) in 2001 before it was rebranded as AXS TV in 2012—with a consortium of partners consisting of Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG), Ryan Seacrest (through Ryan Seacrest Media), Creative Artists Agency, and CBS Corporation.[1][2] The network's programming specializes in live music events, as well as comedy, movies, and mixed martial arts, among others.[3] The AXS TV company includes the channel HDNet Movies.
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