Channel Name: 北京影视频道
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经国家广电总局批准,2009年1月1日起,北京电视台将启用全新的台标设计和频道形象。 Nettv
新北京电视台台标设计以北京电视台的英文缩写BTV(BeijingTelevision)为主要设计元素,图形简约,含义简洁,更具现代感、更加国际化。在主体色彩上,北京电视台台标采用故宫的宫墙红色和汉白玉的白色为主色调,其庄重、现代、国际化的整体感与北京电视台自身形象无隙契合。新台标系统的使用,将体现北京城市品格,真诚服务首都观众,围绕国际化、品牌化的概念,全面凸显北京电视台整体形象的改变和提升。主要栏目:《家和剧场》《情景剧场》《下午剧场》《英雄剧场》《黄金剧场》《明星影院》《午夜剧场》 Copyright
1、Double tap the player or tap the full screen button to watch in full screen;
2、The default line cannot be played and can be switched to other lines;
3、The computer cannot watch, please use your mobile phone to scan the QR code to watch;
4、Loading may be slow due to the line, please be patient;
5、If it cannot be played, try switching between normal or SSL encrypted channels.
Declaration: This website only provides online playback services, and signal sources are collected from the internet without any storage or production. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it! Email: teeevepw # (#=@)
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