Channel Name: 廊坊公共频道
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廊坊电视台始建于1984年,建台以来,廊坊电视台围绕党和政府的中心工作,认真履行宣传职责,以“廊坊老百姓自己的电视台”为宗旨。目前共有员工180人,廊坊电视台设有新闻中心办公室、总编室、财务室、广告信息中心、技术中心和播控中心。 本台拥有雄厚的技术实力和人才优势,已经实现了数字化拍摄制作、全电脑微控播出,开设有新闻综合频道(一套)、公共频道(二套)影视娱乐频道(三套)三套节目。
1、Double tap the player or tap the full screen button to watch in full screen;
2、The default line cannot be played and can be switched to other lines;
3、The computer cannot watch, please use your mobile phone to scan the QR code to watch;
4、Loading may be slow due to the line, please be patient;
5、If it cannot be played, try switching between normal or SSL encrypted channels.
Declaration: This website only provides online playback services, and signal sources are collected from the internet without any storage or production. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it! Email: teeevepw # (#=@)
We suggest that you use browsers such as the Chromium kernel (Safari and IE browsers may be incompatible), with a resolution of 1920X1080, to browse this website for a better user experience.
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