頻道名稱: Radio 538
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/20/1-200224204200P2.jpg
API鏈接: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/api/channel.php?aid=1366
Radio 538(Dutch: Radio-vijf-drie-acht) is a Dutch commercial radio station active since 1992 and based in Hilversum. It is the second most listend radio station in the Netherlands. Radio 538 refers to the wavelength that Radio Veronica was broadcast on in the seventies. This station was intended for the younger generation and is owned by Talpa Network. It plays a hybrid of current dance, R'n'B, pop and rock hits, mainly based upon the Dutch Top 40 chart (which it airs Friday afternoons). The station neither focuses on a CHR/Top-40 format, nor a more Dance-intensive approach. The breakfast and drivetime shows are more talk-intensive than others. Traditionally, the station was only obtained through cable, however in 1998 the station upgraded to a different frequency package, allowing for different frequencies by region. Radio 538 started the hip-hop and contemporary R&B program Juize, which developed into the radio station Juize.FM on 18 July 2004. Later, in 2011, Radio 538 created a sister station called TV 538.
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