頻道名稱: Z1 Televizija
頻道Logo: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/uploads/allimg/20/1-200S12126400-L.jpg
API鏈接: http://www.nettvpro.xyz/api/channel.php?aid=8934
Z1 Televizija (Z1TV) is a regional TV station serving the city of Zagreb Zagreb County Krapina-Zagorje County part of Sisak-Moslavina County and part of Karlovac County. It broadcasts news programs variety shows documentaries entertainmen shows music programs educational programs and more. The headquarters is located in Zagreb. Croatian Radiotelevision (Croatian: Hrvatska radiotelevizija HRT) is a Croatian public broadcasting company. It operates several radio and television channels over a domestic transmitter network as well as satellite. In 2011 more than 80% of HRT‘s revenue came from broadcast user fees with each household in Croatia required to pay 79 HRK (~€10) per month for a single television set with the remainder being made up from advertising (which is limited by law).[3] Croatian Radiotelevision has three organizational units three sister companies - the Croatian Radio (Hrvatski radio) the Croatian Television (Hrvatska televizija) and Music Production (Glazbena proizvodnja).
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